Paolo Simonazzi
Il filo e il fiume

Presentazione del volume

Milano, Fondazione Sozzani
17 Marzo 2022 ore 18:30

The event

Silvana Editoriale vi invita alla presentazione del volume Paolo Simonazzi. Il filo e il fiume, in programma giovedì 17 marzo, alle ore 18.00, presso la Fondazione Sozzani.

Paolo Simonazzi, artista
Francesco Zanot, curatore del volume
Marco Belpoliti, docente universitario, scrittore e critico letterario

The book

The thread and the river is a photographic story dedicated to the Po and the territories that it crosses, consisting of about fifty photographs taken by Paolo Simonazzi between 2013 and 2021. The protagonist is the slow and heavy flow of the river, which also appears when not photographed directly: its presence emerges in the surrounding landscape and in the people who inhabit the places crossed by its waters. Territories united as by a thread, part of a world that in reality no longer exists, and of which the author - in the wake of a photographic tradition that begins after the war - gives us the last traces, inviting us to listen to what Francesco Zanot calls the feeble song of a supra-territorial territory, on the attack of political geography, clinging as it is to the shaky line of water for hundreds of kilometers.

The Thread and the River: reflections between geography and photography
Davide Papotti

Montecitorio, province of Mantua
Francesco Zanot

